Mazda MX-5, a luxury sports car with a fuel economy features

Mazda MX-5, a luxury sports car with a fuel economy features - For you lovers of automotive car especially with the luxury and elegant design, it seems kind of car should pay attention to this one. The car issued by Mazda Japan belonging to a brand that has had a lot of fans in this, Indonesia launched a car with a luxurious and elegant style. Very suitable for those of you interested in luxury in drive. Mazda MX-5 was present to answer the needs of automobile lovers who like all luxury in drive. You will fall in love at first sight when you see the design of the cars entered in the luxury car category.

Mazda MX-5 is one of the types of luxurious sports car who hatched by the company Mazda. If you see a design, this car has the dimensions approximately 4020mm x 1720mm x 1255mm with car design berpenumpang 2 people. For the engine, the car Mazda uses a machine that has been equipped with high-technology i.e. MZR 2. As for the in line have been fitted with cylinder numbering 4 pieces with type 16 valve DOHC with sequential valve timing and electronic throttle valve pinned forgotten. To slindernya own this car using the 1999 cc slinder also available in version 1,500 cc for the size of a sports car, Mazda MX-5 this includes fuel efficient sports car because the engine capacity was low but energetic.

See the machines that are pinned on a Mazda MX-5 car engine has power and speed is high enough. For the maximum speed of the car reached speeds of up to 6700 rpm with a torque of approximately 118 (16 kg). While in a State of maximum reached 188 (19.2 kg) with a maximum speed of only reach 5000 rpm. With the speed, of course this car must be equipped with fuel tanks big enough. This car has been equipped with the fuel tank until it reaches a capacity of 50 litres.

Do not forget also pinned on a Mazda MX-5 is the independent double wishbone, placed on the front suspension and independent multi ink placed on the rear suspension. Time tracing to the rims of the wheels of the car seems elegant side will not turn away from this sports car. This car uses Alloy wheels with size dimensions approximately 16 inches will take you away by more comfortable. It's time we look to the exterior design of this sports car, at a glance you will see a design that is similar to the design of a typical European car. It is not without reason, because the typical European design reflects luxurious cars, elegant and you will look more stylish when driving it.

You can see the distinctive European design from the front of the car is the Mazda MX-5. You can see the grille and bumper attached as well as the output of European cars. Other characteristic European style can be seen in the headlights (head lamp) design with a very elegant and luxurious rooms with a very bright lighting. While on the bumper cars, you'll see fog lamp fog lamps or pinned. By design, this lamp will give You sufficient lighting when you drive on when fog or rain struck. Not to miss in the Middle, also pinned a typical Mazda emblem that has been coated with chrome.

Switch to the interior design of the Mazda MX-5 you will see all the luxuries of being at this sports car. You will find a sliding seat that complement the opulence of this sporty car, it is very useful to you when you do the maneuver because of the comfortable gesernya for seats occupied. It is not detached from the seat comfortable and elegant Chair is made from the best ingredients, sure you will be very satisfied driving a sports car from Mazda. For the dashboard you will see the luxury, keeleganan and technology are mixed into a beautiful harmony. You will see the speedo-meter advanced design luxury finished, do not forget the audio system that is capable of playing all your favorite music today. Speaking of price, Mazda MX-5 more affordable compared to other sports cars amounting to about Rp 800 million.

Picture Of Mazda MX5 Sportscar Powered Economy
                                                         The cabin Mazda MX5 Latest
That became the attraction of the Mazda MX-5 this is the soft top roof that can open the lid. When the weather is hot and You want to drive while you enjoy the breezy winds You could open the roof of the car, otherwise if you want privacy, you can close the roof back. How? You are interested to have a car this luxurious sporty? or want to try a cool SUV cars such as the Land Rover Discovery Sport fighting?
